
Isdone.dll 64 bit
Isdone.dll 64 bit

isdone.dll 64 bit isdone.dll 64 bit

Usually you can locate those image paths from the tab named "Scheduled Task".

  • Right click any yellow highlighted row ending with the filename and path from the error message, and choose delete.
  • Try to find all yellow highlighted Image Paths that ends with the filename and path from the error message from "Everything" tab, delete them.
  • NOTE: Carefully choose image paths that ends with the filename from the error message only, if you deleted paths that are not highlighted then it might cause some trouble booting your PC. There might be multiple reasons as to why you receive an 0xc000007b error when trying to run an application on a Windows computer. This error comes from mixing up 32bit environment with 64bit one.įor example, if a 32bit application tries to load a 64bit DLL-file, it would cause this error. Make sure that you have the correct version of the program for your Windows environment. Often the 64 and 32 bit versions of a program are the same, but if you get the 0xc000007b error, check your system to make sure which bit version your system is. Check this in the Control Panel - ‘System’ option. Look for "System Type" in the window that opens. If this happens after installing a file with the DLL-Files Fixer, this means you've got the wrong version. Go back and install one of the dll versions with the other bit structure.
  • Where can I find the Client install file?.
  • There seems to be a new policy about allowing a program access to the registry on a client machine that some Antivirus companies take a harder stance on. The "PUA" signature means "potentially unwanted application" and is a very low risk detection they set on everything they are not 100% sure about, until they have had a chance to do a more thorough analysis. We are currently working with antivirus companies to make sure that this detection is cleared as soon as possible.

    Isdone.dll 64 bit